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L2 - WR Coaching Level 2

  • Open to: Any coaches, referees, educators, players, managers, administrators of Swiss Rugby clubs who have completed the World Rugby Coaching Course Level 1.
  • Instructors: World Rugby Coach Educators
  • Certificate: World Rugby Coaching Level 2

Course Description

This course is designed to provide coaches with the skills needed to coach teenage and adult players in the club or school environment.
The presence of sport in a person’s life carries enormous benefits for social, physical and personal development while broadening cultural awareness. Rugby is uniquely inclusive sport, and you as the coach hold a position of genuine influence over the player’s rate of personal development and their sense of community and self-worth. The World Rugby Level 2 Coaching course aims to develop coaches who know how to coach as well as what to coach.

The course is delivered using the following structure:

  • Firstly, it uses the principles of attack and defence to give an overview of the game.
  • Secondly, it uses key factor analysis to allow you to explain, demonstrate, practise, perform and analyse the skills of the game.
  • Thirdly, the game knowledge modules are underpinned by generic modules covering planning, risk management, the role of the coach, communication, child & adolescent growth, fitness and the laws of the game.

Throughout the course you will be encouraged to practise your coaching skills. Grasp this opportunity for feedback from your World Rugby Educator and your peers. These opportunities will also form the foundation of your competency-based assessment.


The Course fee is CHF 200 per person and it covers: 

  • Course fee & materials
  • Snacks, coffee, and Lunch
  • Certificate.
Registrations Closed
Date & Time
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Start - 9:00 AM (Europe/Zurich)
Sunday, February 26, 2023
End - 6:00 PM (Europe/Zurich) 
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